Product & Services/ N.H.F Loan

N.H.F Loan

Applications should be supported with the following documentations:

  1. An account With LBIC Plc
  2. Completed Mortgage Loan Application Form
  3. Means of Identification (Such as: Int'l Passport, Driver's License etc.)
  4. Recent Utility Bill
  5. Applicant's six recent passport photographs
  6. Evidence of income tax payment
  7. Evidence of equity contribution (Below N5M – Nil contribution, from N5M to N15M – 10%)
  8. Last 6 (six) Months' payslip
  9. Last 6 (six) Months' Bank statement
  10. Letter of introduction from Employer and Staff I.D
  11. Security (Title Registration Documents) of the property to be financed
  12. Offer and Acceptance
  13. Inspection/Valuation Report Fee
  14. Birth Certificate/Age Declaration
  15. Search/Application Fee; and
  16. Where the Loan is for Building Construction, in addition to the above, the following documents will be required
    • An Approved Building Plan and
    • Bill of Quantities

-Other requirements are:

  • 0.20% Administrative Fee (One off)
  • 0.20% Service Fee (Annually)
  • Refund of contribution at retirement with 2% interest
  • The amount of Loan obtainable ranges from N5Million to N15Million

For Further information or enquiries, please call Olawale (08023185475), Bisi (08033333720),

Tosin (08167647633), or contact us by email to: